Have you ever tried to make something beautiful, or tasty, labored for a long time, sketching, painting, or chopping, mixing, obsessing, only to realize that your efforts are going horribly off course and… you’re going to have to abandon it all and start over? If so, welcome to the club. It’s part of the human […]

It’s a little known fact, that bodybuilding and hot yoga… share ancestry. And, it’s weirder than you think.  Bodybuilding became a thing, in the early 1900’s. Bodybuilding competitions became an industry, with endorsements, tiny spandex speedos, huge tacky trophies, and the like. Bodybuilding found a boom in the 1950’s, and spawned the events we are […]

I read a book once called, ‘Don’t just do something… Sit There!’ by Sylvia Boorstein. She’s hilarious, and has the gift of delivering Buddhist discourse through the lens of being a Jewish grandmother from New York. And although the title is fairly clear, and the book very matter-of-fact… It still took me another 15 years […]

One of the things I adore about going to Indian restaurants (besides the food), is seeing women of all ages, shapes and sizes wearing their saris. Ornate, intricate, goddess-worthy swaths of draped fabric with celestial bling. Rhinestones, sequins, tiny mirrors, metallic embroidery – these women know how to adorn themselves! Most of all, I love […]

Welcome to the gritty, loud, and somewhat injurious world of demolition! Sorry, #notsorry, walls. You served your purpose as a 2-classroom tutoring center. Now, it’s time to evolve into a one-classroom, yoga studio with showers.We’ve got to tear you down, to build you back up again. Is it fun? Yeah, kinda. Is it easy? No. […]

One of the main reasons I chose this location was… the view from the yoga room. Multiple huge windows featuring towering trees, adorable shrubs, moss, stones, twisting roots… it’s alive, and you can almost feel the pulse of nature. It’s effortless art, and will change with the seasons, with the time of day, with storms, […]

There are now 500 lbs. of Himalayan salt blocks, in our garage’.  A year ago, I would never have pictured those words in a sentence together.  How wonderfully peculiar, and unexpected, life can be! And… salty at times. Fun fact: Himalayan salt panels are sourced in (drum roll)… you guessed it, Pakistan.  Doesn’t quite have the same ring […]